Store information
Sat 7:30am - 5:00pm
Sun Closed
Meet Our Staff
About This Store
Hood River Supply has always had a presence in Odell, from our founders to store rental to a new store in 2005. Our commitment to serving the orchards, farms, vineyards, loggers, and upper valley businesses has always been a priority and we will continue to maintain a presence in the Odell area. Originally Hood River Supply rented a building in 1994 to serve the region. For about 10 years Hood River Supply-Odell focused on the retail of the orchard chemicals, but due to low profit margins and regulations we decided to forgo those attempts and convert specifically to a retail branch Odell Construction In 2005, with the rental lease coming to an end, the board decided to build a new store; doubling the square footage and inventory. We broke ground on June 1st, 2005 and opened the doors October 14th, 2005 with only a two week down time. The store is run by 4 employees: manager, two cashiers, and one warehouse worker. In addition, our cycle counters and general manager share duties.