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Grubs are one of the most common problems that afflict domestic lawns and yards, but at Ace we have the solutions you need ranging from grub repellent powders and liquids to grub killer sprays for safe and reliable control.

Why Is Grub Control Important?

Grubs are the larval stage of various species of beetles, including Japanese beetles, chafers and June beetles. A serious infestation can cause even more destruction than an adult population. They prefer to live below the surface of a lawn, feeding on organic material, including grass roots. Large numbers of grubs can seriously damage the turf with patches of dead, brown grass that ruin the look and health of your yard.

Treat Your Lawn with Grub Killer Liquid

If you suspect a grub infestation, our grub killer liquid can be applied over your entire lawn for a full solution in a single treatment. Alternatively, use it as a spot-treatment grub spray to deal with individual grubs you've uncovered in a smaller area, tackling an early infestation before it gets out of hand.

Our range includes chemical insecticides that work against dozens of grub, fly and other insect species. It is also effective as an organic treatment using natural active ingredients that are fully safe for use on edible plants.

Powerful Grub Powder and Dust Treatments

For fast and effective control of grubs, ants, roaches, ticks and many other insect pests, apply a grub killer powder directly to your lawn, where it will start to work immediately. Our insect killer dust can also be used on edible plants, including strawberries, tomatoes, and salads, providing safe but effective protection from insect pests at all stages of their life cycles.

How to Spot a Grub Infestation

How do you know you have grubs in your yard? There are four key signs to watch out for:

  1. Raccoons, skunks, birds and other animals dig up your lawn to get at the grubs beneath the surface
  2. The lawn feels springy or spongy underfoot
  3. Unexplained patches of dead grass or bare lawn appear
  4. The turf comes loose and can be rolled away from the underlying soil, thanks to root damage caused by the grubs feeding

To confirm a grub problem, dig around an affected patch of turf and peel it back—you’ll soon see the large, white, c-shaped grubs if they're the culprit. A couple of grubs per square foot isn't a cause for real concern, as healthy grass can withstand the low level of feeding. But if you see five or more grubs in a single area, it’s probably time to reach for grub powder, grub repellent or another method of grub control so that the turf isn't overwhelmed.

Shop Powerful Grub Control Solutions at Ace

An infestation of grubs can cause lasting damage to your lawn, but at Ace, we have the powerful grub control treatments you need to clear the problem. Browse options from brands like GardenTech, Monterey and others for speedy home shipping or free in-store pickup to give your lawn the helping hand it needs to stave off grubs all summer long.