Japanese Beetle Traps & Control (14 items found)



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General-purpose insecticides and insect repellents are highly effective for keeping most bugs in your home and yard under control. But when you're faced with one of the most destructive insect pests around, you need a dedicated solution. Our selection of Japanese beetle killer products will help you make short work of one of the most damaging beetle species that can invade your garden, protecting your lawn, plants, and flowerbeds.

How Do Japanese Beetle Traps Protect Your Yard?

Japanese beetles are an invasive species that can wreak havoc in gardens and farms alike. The adults feed on hundreds of varieties of plants, from fruit trees to ornamental flowers, stripping the foliage to severely weaken or even kill their targets, as well as feasting on blossoms and fruit. Just as damagingly, the immature larvae feed mainly on the roots of grass and other tender plants and can kill off large lawn areas seemingly overnight.

Japanese beetle traps protect your yard by catching and eliminating the adults before they can lay their eggs, breaking the reproductive cycle to keep their numbers under control.

How Japanese Beetle Traps Work

Japanese beetle traps use a combination of natural insect pheromones and scents of floral food sources to lure the bugs into a bag from which they can't escape. Once in the trap, the beetles will succumb to a combination of sunlight and dehydration, and once the bag is full, it can be removed from the trap, disposed of, and replaced.

Japanese beetle traps are most effective when hung up around 30 feet downwind of the plants you want to protect, intercepting the beetles before they can reach their original targets. However, don't locate the traps too close to your prized plants, or you may wind up attracting more beetles rather than eliminating them!

Japanese Beetle Repellent and Beetle Killer

Traps aren't the only way to deal with a Japanese beetle problem. We also stock beetle repellent and beetle killer products that you can use for spot control in infested areas or as a preventative treatment to keep your most-prized plants safe in advance. Options include:

  • Organic insect sprays that work against beetles, mites, flies and more, taking care of insects at every stage of the life cycle
  • Liquid insect killers for direct application to pests or for watering over a larger area
  • Insect control granules for spreading around home foundations or garden edges to create a boundary
  • Insect and beetle killer foams that expand into hard-to-reach places, including cracks and crevices, providing a long-lasting pest control barrier

What's more, these repellents are effective against many other species of beetle as well as Japanese ones, providing all-round protection against the most common insect pests that can plague your garden.

Solve Bug Problems with Beetle Traps, Repellents and Killers at Ace

From Japanese beetles to ants, termites and wasps, the pest control section here at Ace has the products you need to protect your yard. Browse a range of traps, repellents, and killers above to find the products you need and regain control of your yard from damaging pests.