Ant Killer & Ant Traps (110 items found)



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Almost every yard carries a healthy population of ants, but when their numbers get out of control or when they start to invade your home, efficient ant-repellent treatments become necessary. While a general-purpose indoor or outdoor insect repellent can make a good first line of defense, for serious infestations, a dedicated ant killer is the most effective choice.

The ant poison and repellent section here at Ace contains products to keep ants out of your home or to destroy entire colonies in your yard, providing lasting protection against all the common ant species and their termite cousins and many other insect pests.

Ant Repellent as a Fast and Effective Ant Killer Solution

When you need to stop ants from entering your home or to protect a specific area of your yard, ant repellent is the solution to turn to. Ant repellents work by killing individual ants on contact, solving the immediate infestation problem while also leaving a residue behind to deter other ants from exploring an area later.

For using ant repellent in your home, an ant killer spray is the quickest and easiest method for sealing boundaries and treating small areas. However, for longer-lasting effects over a larger area, such as a lawn or patio, ant killer granules and powders make an easier and more economical option.

Powerful Ant Bait and Ant Traps for Serious Infestations

For serious infestations, it's more effective to deal with the entire ant colony rather than simply deterring or killing individual insects. Ant traps and ant bait products lure ants to a food source laced with chemical insecticides, which are then carried back to the nest to neutralize an entire colony with only a single application. For best results, place the ant bait around the areas where ants march into your home, and replace it every three months to give lasting protection.

Improved Safety with a Powerful Fire Ant Killer

Regular ants are a nuisance that can cause irritation and hygiene issues, but fire ants are an altogether more serious type of infestation. With their bites and venomous stings, they can make spending time in your yard intolerable and can cause serious allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Fire ant killer products are formulated to target these dangerous pests and can be applied directly to a fire ant mound or across your whole yard to eliminate hidden nests.

Natural Ant Killer for Organic Gardening

If you're a devotee of organic gardening, you might not want to use a chemical ant poison for pest control. But that doesn't mean you need to tolerate infestations. Natural ant killer products are based on plant-based insecticides, including canola oil, providing effective control and residual protection in an all-natural liquid form.

Shop Advanced Ant Killer and Repellent Solutions at Ace Hardware

At Ace, you'll find all the products you need to control and eliminate ants, along with other insects, including roaches, beetles and wasps. Know what you need? Shop online now for speedy delivery to your home. If you need any help choosing the best solution for your pest problem, stop by your local Ace Hardware store, and our staff will help guide you through your options.