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Yard rakes and autumn tend to go hand-in-hand, but rakes have much more use than just raking leaves. Although the rakes are great for raking up leaves, the variety of rakes available and their uses go far beyond leaf clean up. Let Ace Hardware help you determine which rakes for your yard you need, then find useful raking tips and shop other lawn and yard essentials for round-the-clock care.

What Is a Rake?

Whether you’re looking for a metal leaf rake to remove leaves cluttering your front yard or need a grading rake to prep soil for your flower bed, there are a variety of rakes designed specifically to help you accomplish the task at hand. 

Leaf Rake

A traditional-looking rake for yard work, find plastic or metal leaf rakes are designed to help you clean your yard of fallen foliage without causing any damage. Also called lawn rakes, the plastic or metal tines at the end of a fan-shaped head make leaf rakes great for organic matter like grass and leaves.

Landscape Rake

Landscape rakes have sturdy metal tines protruding from a wide head and are typically used to move and spread topsoil, gravel, or sand evenly. They are necessary to prepare for planting a new lawn or other gardening project.

Garden Rake

As indispensable as garden hoes or forks, garden rakes, also known as hand rakes, are great tools for working in tight, small spaces. They have sharp, sturdy tines off a straight head that help crumble dirt chunks and turn soil to prepare the soil for planting. Garden rakes are highly effective for gardening and maintaining a flower bed.

Bow Rake

Bow rakes, or level head rakes, have a distinctive wide, flat head with sturdy, short tines that look like bows. These highly versatile rakes are used to level soil, spread mulch, remove debris, and prepare seedbeds.

Thatch Rake

Thatch rakes are designed to remove thatch buildup on lawns and gardens. They have thick, long metal tines that are close together to better accomplish the job.  

Tips for Better Leaf Raking

Raking leaves seems a simple enough job, but a few tips can make your job a lot easier. Follow these helpful tips for better leaf raking this fall and beyond.

  • Wait for leaves to finish falling: A no brainer, you don’t want to have your hard work be futile. Wait for significant leaf fall before you start raking for more effective lawn maintenance.
  • Take care of yourself while raking: Dress appropriately for the weather, wear gloves and a hat if necessary, and limber up to help avoid pulling or straining something.
  • Use the right tools: Use the right rakes, trash bags and leaf bags to help you tidy up as you go along so that errant gusts of wind don’t waste your hard work.
  • Plan your approach: Regardless of how big your property is, sectioning your raking duties can allow you to rake and bag as you go, helping you finish in no time.

Shop Leaf Rakes and Other Garden Tools at Ace

No matter what lawn rake you need, Ace has plenty of options to choose from. Opt for a metal rake for leaves or gravel, or a smaller hand rake for gardening to help get the job done. Then, shop for other gardening tools to help you complete routine yard work, from wheelbarrows and their accessories to specialty garden tools.