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How your home smells matters. Eliminating unwanted odors can make every room more livable and allow you to enjoy your spaces to the fullest. Whatever unpleasant smells you encounter, Ace Hardware has solutions for addressing them with a diverse assortment of odor absorber products from brands like Fresh Wave and Arm and Hammer.

Air Fresheners vs. Odor Removers: What’s the Difference?

Odor remover and air freshener products both impact how your home smells, but they have different purposes. To better understand their differences, you need to know about where odors come from. Odors come from tiny molecules the meal you cooked for dinner or the waste in your garbage can. When you inhale these molecules, they trigger nerve cells that your brain interprets as scents.

Air fresheners work by adding molecules with a more pleasant scent to the air. These molecules outnumber the odor molecules, so you no longer notice the odor and instead perceive the appealing scent. Also called a scent, odor absorber or odor eliminator, an odor eliminator reduces the number of odor molecules in the air. It may do so by absorbing them or by neutralizing them with a chemical reaction. Simply put, odor eliminators remove odors, while air fresheners only mask unpleasant odors.

Types of Odor Eliminators

There are a few types of scent absorber products available, including:

  • Odor-removing spray: Formulated with neutralizing materials that attract scent molecules, an odor-removing spray is great for quickly addressing odors that linger on hard and soft surfaces. You can find both pressurized aerosol and spritz spray products, as well as pet odor removing sprays.
  • Odor removing gel: A gel is a flexible semi-solid substance usually packaged in a jar or can. When the lid is removed, the absorbent scent remover gel attracts and draws in odor molecules over time.
  • Liquids: Liquid odor absorber products are similar to sprays, but they come in pour bottles. As a result, you can apply them with cleaning brushes, cloths or pads to ensure full coverage.
  • Beads: Odor eliminator beads are gel that has been formed into small spheres. You can often add them to decorative containers that put a pretty finishing touch on your decor.
  • Powders: Often intended for specific trouble spots, such as carpeting, upholstery or shoes, odor absorber powders sprinkle or shake on and then gradually absorb odor molecules.
  • Solids: Also called odor-eliminator sponges, these products are crafted out of absorbent materials and are long-lasting.

As you compare odor eliminators, keep the location and source of the odor in mind. Sprays, liquids and powders are sometimes designed for one specific type of material, such as fabrics or tile, while others can be applied to multiple materials, similar to all-purpose cleaners. You can also compare coverage areas and how long products continue to remove odds when selecting odor absorbers.

Shop Odor Eliminators Near You at Ace

Ace Hardware has all the odor eliminator solutions near you for your kitchen, bathroom, basement, garage, bedroom and beyond. Shop in-store or online, then explore other essential cleaning supplies at Ace from cleaning gloves to disinfectants and others.