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Taking precise measurements is important for a wide range of projects, from deciding where to place marking flags for new construction to marking wood with lumber crayons for cutting. Which measuring tools you have available will determine just how accurate your measurements are, and Ace can help you find the right solutions for your project.

Laser Measures to Take Fast Measurements

If you need to find out how far away two points are from one another before using a chalk line or performing another step in a DIY project, a laser distance meter is a time-saving solution. Laser measures typically produce two beams of light, which you position at your start and end points. Once you have everything aligned, the laser measure sends a laser pulse between the two points and tracks how long it takes for the impulse to arrive at its destination. Then, the laser measure quickly calculates the distance, usually with a greater level of precision than what’s possible even with tape measures.

Calipers, Measuring Wheels and Other Measuring Tools

A laser distance meter is just one of the many types of measuring tools that your project might require. Other tools that may be beneficial include:

  • Protractor: A protractor allows you to measure the size of an angle in degrees and is useful for mitering corners on wood, cutting other materials, calculating slopes and more.
  • Angle finder: A digital angle finder is an alternative to a protractor that measures angles with the help of two rulers joined at a hinge.
  • Calipers: When you need to know the dimensions of small objects, calipers are a great solution. The dial caliper is one of the most used types for woodworking and metal machining. You can also find digital caliper tools that speed up the measuring process.
  • Feeler gauge: If you need to know the width of a narrow gap, reach for a feeler gauge, which has multiple blades. By inserting the thickest possible blade into the gap, you can quickly determine the distance between two parts and components.
  • Micrometer: Micrometers can measure in very small increments and come in handy for applications where a very high level of precision is necessary to ensure optimal results.
  • Measuring wheel: Ideal for measuring long distances, a measuring wheel can be rolled over an area to determine how far away two points are from one another.
  • Depth gauge: A digital or analog depth gauge allows you to find out how deep a hole, concavity or groove is.

Shop Measuring Tools Near You at Ace

Ace Hardware carries a wide range of measuring tools from brands like Milwaukee, Bosch and General. Our knowledgeable associates are ready to help you choose the tools you need to take any type of measurement your project demands. Stop in to see the latest calipers, micrometers, laser distance measure tools and other measuring tools near you.

Our online store also gives you the freedom to browse and buy a new protractor, feeler gauge or measuring wheel anytime. Many measuring tools are available for same-day in-store pickup, so you can get your project started right away. Check out what's in stock now and get on your way to taking precise measurements.