Bug-A-Salt Salt Gun (12 items found)



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No one likes a home or yard filled with annoying and unwelcome insects. But bug control doesn't always need to mean using pesticide sprays, baits or powered insect zappers. Bug-a-Salt makes insect control fun by turning you and your family into serious bug hunters wherever household flies and other insects are becoming a problem.

How Does the Bug-A-Salt Insect Gun Work?

Although there are plenty of completely safe insect repellents available, many people prefer to keep chemical use as low as possible. The Bug-A-Salt 3.0 method uses ordinary table salt to eliminate insects, fired from a specially designed salt gun to drop each bug whole with no splatter or mess to clean up.

Our Fly Salt Gun Range

At Ace, we stock the latest Bug-A-Salt rifle models in a range of colors, all with upgraded designs to give greater accuracy, easier firing, and quicker reloads than previous versions of the gun. We also stock Bug-A-Salt accessories, including a laser sight adapter kit to make bug hunting even more accurate and fun.

Salt Fly Gun Questions and Answers

Is Bug-A-Salt Safe for Children and Pets?

As the insect gun uses regular table salt as ammo, there are no chemical or toxicity issues for children or pets. And although a salt gun for flies should be used with the same care as any other kind of firearm, it's completely safe when used as recommended.

Does It Make a Mess?

The Bug-A-Salt 3.0 will not make a mess when used correctly. Each shot only uses a pinch of salt, so it won't make a mess unless you fire repeatedly at the same target area.

Will the Salt Spray Damage Your Home?

When used correctly, a salt fly gun won't damage your home's contents or decor, even when fired from close range.

What's the Accuracy Range?

A salt gun for bugs is designed to be fired over approximately three feet and is highly accurate at that distance. The manufacturer recommends firing some test shots at a piece of aluminum foil so you can see the spread pattern at different ranges.

Which Bugs Can It Handle?

Bug-A-Salt 3.0 is highly effective against houseflies, mosquitoes, roaches, small spiders and almost any other kind of insect often found in homes and yards.

What's the Firing Capacity?

The salt guns can fire approximately 70 to 80 shots between each reload, with a handy clear ammo cartridge design showing how much salt is remaining.

Do Bug-A-Salt Guns Need Batteries?

A salt gun for flies doesn't need any battery power except if the optional laser sight is installed. Regular rifles use a pump action to prime the gun, with available CO2 cartridges allowing rapid fire on compatible models.

Repel Insect Invaders with Bug-A-Salt Guns from Ace Hardware

Make insect control and fly hunting fun with a Bug-A-Salt insect gun from Ace Hardware. Browse our range above and order online for fast delivery or free in-store pickup and take the fight to your home's unwanted bugs in a safe, eco-friendly, and entertaining way.