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Well-known for its acrylic sheets and lighting panels, Plaskolite is a go-to choice for DIYers and professionals alike. Plaskolite sheets are highly durable and versatile, making them well-suited for a variety of home and commercial jobs. Find a wide selection of Plaskolite products at Ace to get started on your next project.

Benefits of Plaskolite Acrylic Sheets

Plaskolite acrylic sheets are a versatile product that has many uses. Clear acrylic sheets have UV protections to help prevent yellowing, come in a variety of colors, and are easy to cut down to whatever size your project needs. Choose a sheet in single or double strength to suit the needs of your specific job. What’s more, with acrylic sheets from Plaskolite, you can:

  • Make excellent partitions and dividers for your office that are resistant to impact.
  • Create transparent face shields that resist scratching.
  • Whip up display stands in a flash for a convention table or an art show.
  • Make outdoor signs that resist damage from the sun or the rain.

Plaskolite Corrugated Plastic Sheets

Corrugated sheets are designed to be strong, yet lightweight. You'll find a Plaskolite corrugated sheet to be quite handy for your favorite home DIY projects. The weatherproof, water-resistant design stands up to the elements making it great for outdoor signs and projects. Additionally, like the flat acrylic sheets, you can use corrugated sheets as a divider to partition a room or against a wall to reduce noise. A Plaskolite corrugated sheet is easily trimmed with a craft knife to make creating projects that much easier.

Plaskolite Lighting Panels

Reduce the glare of overhead lights with Plaskolite acrylic lighting panels. Look for ceiling panels with different finishes and textures designed to diffuse LED and fluorescent lights.

  • The classic "egg crate" style panel is an iconic addition to any office space and allows air to circulate freely.
  • A cracked ice panel is a good choice for maximum light diffusion with a touch of elegant style to elevate your room decor.

Just as with the clear acrylic sheets, Plaskolite lighting panels are non-yellowing and durable for lasting use. Simply cut them to size to fit your lighting fixture and enjoy how they change the ambiance of any room.

Essential Plaskolite Accessories

Once you have your Plaskolite acrylic sheet, you will need to shape it for your needs.

  • Plastic sheet knives are designed with steel blades to cut through any job and ergonomic handles for easy comfort
  • Alcohol-free anti-static surface cleaner for acrylic and polycarbonate surfaces that can help prevent fingerprints, avoid dust buildup and improve visibility when used correctly.
  • Plastic sheet leg stands help construct a quick, stable safety shield designed to hold a single sheet upright.

Take on Any Project with Plaskolite

Plaskolite ceiling light plastic sheets and acrylic panels have many useful functions for a variety of projects. Find great deals on Plaskolite sheets and accessories by shopping Ace online or visiting your local Ace where our experts are ready to help you discover top-rated products.